Monday, November 3, 2008

de dos après la pause...

Seen on the packaging for a paintball chest protector, or if you prefer, a protége poitrine (their accent, not mine!) It starts off OK, and it ends on a high note, but that middle part kinda got lost along the way:

Coolfoam(r) Inner
Intérieur Coolfoam(r)

Vented Polyester Construction
Décharge Polyester Construction

Chest And Back Protection
La Poitrine Et De Retour La Protection


Need I mention it was "Fabrique a China"?

And since we're big fans of SAFETY FIRST, here's the warning on the side of the box (just the French; the original English is fairly straightforward legalese. Interestingly, the Spanish version refers to paintball simply as "el juego." Doesn't it have a name? Also, they couldn't find the word for deafness, since they translated it as "la pérdida del sentido de oído." My Spanish is nowhere good enough to judge that translation, but I'm guessing it's just as off as the French. Speaking of which, it would appear that they could find the "à" on the keyboard, so they switched it out for "á". Close enough.)

Respecter toutes les règles de sécurité du paintball. Toutes les personnes se trouvant á portée d'un lanceur de paintball doivent porter des lunettes, un masque et des protections auricularies spécialement adaptés au paintball. Si vous ne suivez pas les règles de sécurité du paintball, ainsi que les instructions et recommandations apparaissant ici, vous risquez de provoquer de bleessures au visage, aux yeux et aux oreilles pouvant eventuellemebt rendre une personne aveugle ou sourde. Ne lancer pas les billes de paintball á une vitesse dépassant 90 m/s (300pi/s).