Monday, June 9, 2008

not evil, but an evil task

I sat on the fence for a while, wondering whether to post this one. It's not a bad translation; heck, it looks like the translators really tried. Of course, that may be part of the problem. It looks like a translation, and it does not succeed, marketing-wise, in the target language. Of course, the translators probably weren't given the latitude required to adapt the text into French, which is what was called for in this instance. As well, I can hardly disguise the origin of this text, if you care to look it up, but I won't state the manufacturer outright. Here goes:

The original:
Bounce technology replaces traditional foam material with bouncy, structured elements that stretch and pop back to launch you into your next step.

Only the best and bounciest make it into these shoes. Big cushioning. Big bounce.
And in French:
La nouvelle technologie Bounce remplace la mousse traditionnelle par des éléments structurés qui s'étendent et reprennent rapidement leur forme donnant plus d'élan à votre prochaine foulée.

Seuls les meilleurs matériaux, les plus élastiques et rebondissants, se retrouvent dans ces chaussures. Excellent amortissement. Excellent rebond.
Nice try, but ouch.

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