Thursday, May 8, 2008

we did it! we bastards!

This one was given to me by perhaps my favourite translation professor (Hi Roy!), so I thought I'd pass it on. It (obviously) went from French to English, except it went very very wrong.

Communiqué de presse

Chasse aux voleurs :

On a volé la plque commémorative du Grand Antonio !!

Montréal, vendredi 17 septembre 2004 - Quelques heures à peine se sont écoulées entre l'inauguration officielle de la plaque commémorative du Grand Antonio et le vol de celle-ci survenu la nuit dernière.

Alerté ce matin par une résidente du quartier qui était présente lors de l'événement hier soir au 3211 Beaubien Est, XXX à prévenue (sic) la police de Montréal qui est présentement à la recherche d'informations au sujet du vol.

Malgré cet acte de vandalisme et d'intimidation, XXX souhaite reproduire une 2ème plaque identique.

Toutes informations pertinentes (sic) concernant le vol peuvent être communiquées par téléphone au 555-5555.

And here we go in English, and it's a beaut:

Press Release

Thief hunt:

We stole the commemorative plaque honoring the Great Antonio !!

Montreal, Friday september 18th, 2004 - It had only been couple of hours between the official inauguration of the commemorative plaque honoring The Great Antonio and it's robbery that occured during the past night.

Alerted by a neighborhood resident who was present at last night's event at 3211 Beaubien East street, XXX alarmed the City of Montreal Police who are presently searching for information concerning the theft.

Although this intimidating act of vandalism took place, XXX wishes to reproduce a second identical plaque.

If you have any information on the robbery please communicate at 555-5555.

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