Thursday, May 29, 2008

now make sure you take part in that information, you hear?

The French version is poor to begin with (the "apprécierions" false cognate, the fact that the person is only required to sign to attest they have read the document, not that they will actually comply! And I could go on.)

Cher fournisseur,

Comme vous le savez déjà, XXX, une division de YYY, est une compagnie appartenant maintenant à 100% à ZZZ. Nous mettons à jour actuellement nos systèmes communs de ZZZ et nous avons constaté que vous n’avez pas encore signé les conditions générales d’achat de ZZZ. Depuis quelques années XXX se réfère à la norme de ZZZ concernant ses conditions générales d’achat.

Nous apprécierions obtenir votre signature à l’effet que vous avez bien reçu la présente lettre et pris connaissance de son contenu. (voir plus bas pour signature)

□ Je confirme au nom de mon entreprise que nous avons reçu la présente lettre et pris connaissance de son contenu.

Of course, at this point, the translation can only go from bad to worse. Although congratulations are in order for adding the "and accept" bit, I would still need someone to explain to me what I would be signing, since I cannot quite seem to wrap my mind around the "taken part of the complete information of it" part. So, we accept the letter? The information? It's still not quite accepting to abide by the terms and conditions, is it? I would love to see how this would be picked apart in court by a mob of angry lawyers.

Dear supplier:

As you know, XXX, a division of YYY, is now a ZZZ company to 100% since not so long. We are currently updating our common ZZZ systems and we have found that you have not signed our ZZZ Standard Purchasing Conditions. Since a couple of years XXX refers to the ZZZ Standard Purchasing conditions as valid conditions on all purchase orders.

We would appreciate getting the signature on the attached documentation about the ZZZ Purchasing Conditions.

□ I confirm on behalf of my company that we have received this letter and have taken part of the complete information of it, and accept it.

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